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Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Manny Pacquiao's Only Answer - "No Comment" on Krista Ranillo

We've seen the interview with Manny Pacquiao where he was asked if the rumors that he was seen with Krista Ranillo from HongKong was true, his only answer was "No Comment". He could have easily answered "No, its not true." if its really not true. But one thing I must commend with the guy, he's answer is very consistent, "No Comment" that is - story here.

On another noted, it is said that the camp of Krista Ranillo is planning when and how to answer the rumor on the alleged affair with Manny Pacquiao - story here. I dunno, I think it would be best if they just let the rumor die a natural death though it's true or not. I just don't know if, say I'm the boyfriend of Krista Ranillo, who is Dominic Zapata in real life, would react to this. (If you're asking who Dominic Zapata is, he's the director from GMA behind the fanta serye like Mulawin, Engkantadia etc.)

We've actually made a Poll Survey if you believe if the Manny Pacquiao - Krista Ranillo Scandal is True or Not. Cast your vote on the right part of PCO below the Search function.

3 more photos of Krista Ranillo inside ->

Manny Pacquiao and Krista Ranillo
Krista Ranillo - Manny Pacquiao

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